Institutional Best Practice 1:

Title of the Practice: Intervention clusters of 13 clubs facilitating Participatory Management by Students

The objective of the clubs is to provide an Eco-system to the students through skill development activities, to enrich their technical, communication, inter and intrapersonal skills resulting in their overall personality improvement.

The Institution organizes several skill development activities and programmes in parallel to the academics and provides the semester wise schedule to the students in advance through event calendar. The institution has department wise clubs to enhance their academic skills in the core domain. Other clubs are actively involved in programmes centered on Self development, Society related activities, Youth Fitness awareness.

Students are given the responsibility to organize the events conducted by various clubs. These activities enrich our students to develop strong leadership, organizing, personality and interpersonal traits.

Supporting Documents

Institutional Best Practice 2:

Title of the Practice: Activity Based Learning (ABL) – Learning by Doing

Activity Based Learning (ABL) is a major quality initiative introduced in Thamirabharani Engineering College. It is based on the pedagogical principle of learning through activities. The ABL initiative aimed, most importantly, changing the role of our teachers to that of facilitators. ABL is implemented in the eighth hour of all classes daily. Students in ABL classes use a variety of learning methods by conducting various activities such as puzzle Solving, Extempore, Newspaper reading, Group discussions, Quiz and so on.

Teaching-learning in ABL is meant to be Student-centered, our teachers act as facilitators and students work with groups and move from the teacher-supported group to the self-evaluation group. In ABL, each student monitors his or her own learning and gets support from peers.

Supporting Documents